Школи на икономическата мисъл и методология


Илия Балабанов
Получена: 23 юни 2022
Сваляния: 0
Търси по JEL таг 0
Книжка 7/2001
JEL B41 L16 B22


Underlined here is that approximately from the beginning of the 80s the economy of the industrial countries entered a qualitatively new phase and model of development. This started the process of radical change in the world economy and in the development of the society in each country. Analyzed are part of the most current questions of the social science in the whole world which besides the pure scientific, they also have a huge practical value for each country, as follows: what necessitated the qualitatively new change; what are the main features and specifics of the emerged model in comparison with the previous; to what more different type of economic activity and society it leads in more long-term horizon; what challenges the model provokes before the society theory and practice today and tomorrow. An attempt here is made to outline and draw the determining characteristics of a global tendency in the industrial development as a basis for more detailed identification of the new economic and social model. Based on this, formulated here are the two most possible historical alternatives for the further development of Bulgaria.

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