Original article Microeconomics


Rossitsa Chobanova - Economic Research Institute аt BAS
Received: 14 Dec 2023
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Citations: 0
Issue 5/2023
JEL O52 O32 L25 M38 L21
DOI https://doi.org/10.56497/etj2368501


The article is devoted to the problem of the assessment of innovations in enterprises in Bulgaria and its comparability with that of other European countries. In this regard, the conceptual-categorical apparatus, the used databases and the methodology of their collection and interpretation are discussed. Quantitative analyses and assessments were carried out in compliance with the requirements of the methodological guidelines of the OECD and Eurostat of the "Frascati" family. Difficulties have been identified in more precisely comparing the assessment of innovations in Bulgarian enterprises with those in other countries of the European Union, and the reasons for these difficulties have been established. Innovations in Bulgarian enterprises are characterized by different signs. To this end, a structural analysis and an analysis of the context were carried out. The obtained results give reason to reveal important gaps in the formation of the national innovation policy. Among them is the failure to take into account globalisation in the formation of a national environment for the market functioning of the economy, which is expressed in decreasing external and internal demand for new country products, imbalances in the financing of R&D, etc., which lead to a decrease in innovations in the Bulgarian enterprises. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are defined from the point of view of the formation of an innovation policy adequate to the new realities.

How to cite this article

Chobanova, R. (2023). Otsenka na inovatsiite v predpriyatiyata na primera na Balgariya. (Assessment of Innovations in Enterprises: The Case of Bulgaria.) Economic Thought Journal, 68 (5), 455-482 (in Bulgarian). https://doi.org/10.56497/etj2368501

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