Original article Microeconomics


Rossitsa Chobanova - Economic Research Institute аt BAS
Received: 17 Oct 2023
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Issue 4/2023
JEL A13 L25 B52 L21 О38
DOI https://doi.org/10.56497/etj2368401


Innovations in enterprises and their evaluation are a real and significant problem regarding the transition to a new stage of economic development, as well as the related reformulation of enterprise development strategies and corresponding governmental policy. In this regard, the article aims to systematize the different positions on this problem. The positions of representatives from schools of economic thought at Brandeis, Harvard, Oxford and the University of Chicago and followers of Schumpeter, Porter, ordoliberals, etc. are distinguished. Different objectives of the renewal process are also established, respectively, in different evaluative contexts related to competition, enterprise size, welfare, general interest, new technological paradigms, etc., on the one hand, and various causes and consequences, on the other. The positions in the Bulgarian literature are grouped as those that reject the need for a change in the goal or those that define it as necessary and according to the goal’s content.

In conclusion, it is summarized that modern discussions about innovations in enterprises and their evaluation are increasingly connected with current practical needs – the initiation of competition laws, solving contemporary challenges, the result of accelerating changes in the technologies used, etc. A recommendation is made to overcome the descriptive approach to problems of modernity in the Bulgarian economic literature and move to a problem-oriented one which aims at solving the current and emerging problems.

How to cite this article

Chobanova, R. (2023). Otsenka na inovatsiite v predpriyatiyata: teoretichni aspekti. (Evaluation of innovations in enterprises: theoretical aspects. Economic Thought Journal, 68 (4), 359-379 (in Bulgarian). https://doi.org/10.56497/etj2368401

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