Factor Analysis of Absolute Resultant Values Growth Involving Real Net and Gross Effects

This article sets out a methodology for factor analysis of resultant absolute values growth – economic indicators of production output volumes, added value, etc., that can be represented as the product of intensive characteristics of labour productivity, capital intensiveness, etc. and extensive numbers of units of labour input, assets, etc. Two forms of analysis are discussed - grouped and ungrouped data analysis. With the first type two factors are used – changes in the intensive and extensive indicators. With the second type the intensive characteristic is the weighted average of group characteristics, for instance in branches, companies, etc. while the extensive is the sum total of the group’s extensive units. With this approach the effects of three factors are measured – changes in the group intensive indicators, structural changes in the group extensive indicators and changes in the aggregate extensive indicator. According to the logic thus accepted mutual changes are caused only by one-way variation of factor indicators.