Оригинална статия Health, Education, and Welfare

Cost structure of hospitals for the period 2012-2014

Petko Salchev - National Center of Public Health and Analyses
Petar Atanasov - no data
Tatyana Dimitrova-Savova - no data
Received: 10 Jun 2022
Downloads: 0
Citations: 0
Issue 6/2015
JEL I18 I11
DOI https://doi.org/10.56497/etj1560602


Financing of hospitals in the recent years has always been in the focus of health policy makers, managers and the public. Nevertheless a few economic investigations were made on spending procedures in this sector. This article examines the cost structure of hospitals for the period 2012 -2014, by types of hospitals and by clinical pathways, including an analysis of the effectiveness of the distribution of the costs of clinical pathways.

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