A Profound Study About Money

Questions about money are among the most complex and difficult in economic science. Associate Professor Dr. Nikolay Nenovsky is one of the younger generation of Bulgarian economists who has a lasting interest in the scientific analysis of these issues. The nature of his research and publications, the chosen topic of his doctoral dissertation, printed as a monograph, The Search for Money in Transforming Economies (1998), and his most recent book are convincing evidence of this.
An affinity for theory is a hallmark of the author's research. His monograph is one of the few works in the economic literature in this country, written at an enviable professional level and with a very good knowledge of the views on money and monetary policy in developed countries. We have before us a thorough and original study. With it N. Nenovsky joins the discussions and disputes that are being conducted in the West with the participation of economists from different schools to clarify the possible consequences of information technology on money and monetary regimes.