Оригинална статия General Economics and Teaching

Competition Policy as a Prerequisite for Utilizing the Benefits of the EU Single Market

Eduard Marinov - New Bulgarian University
Received: 20 Nov 2022
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Citations: 0
Issue 5/2022
JEL L10 D40 L40
DOI https://doi.org/10.56497/etj2267504


The EU has one of the strongest competition protection systems in the world, which also applies to non-EU companies operating on the Single market. The new structural challenges faced by the EU competition policy require a reassessment of its role in transforming European industry and addressing new issues arising from the specifics of the digital economy. In addition, the pandemic crisis also requires an answer. The article firstly discusses the importance of the competition policy for the effective functioning of the Single market. Then, based on the study of several cases, some structural challenges to the EU competition policy are outlined. An attempt has been made to summarize the new challenges related to the pandemic crisis, digitalization and the green transition, systematizing the new measures related to them.

How to cite this article

Marinov, E. (2022). Politikata za zashtita na konkurentsiyata kato predpostavka za realizirane na predimstvata na edinniya pazar na ES. (Competition Policy as a Prerequisite for Utilizing the Benefits of the EU Single Market). Economic Thought Journal, 67 (5), 595-626 (in Bulgarian). https://doi.org/10.56497/etj2267504

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