General Economics and Teaching

Dissatisfaction from Ultraliberal Market

Velcho Stoyanov - University of National and World Economy
Received: 13 Jun 2022
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Citations: 0
Issue 3/2012
JEL A11 F02


Real socialism has disintegrated by itself, but the dominating super-market capitalism, even libertarian capitalism is also disappointing and dissatisfactory due to two reasons – first, because it gives rise to enormous inequalities, enabling up to 1% of the richest people on the planet to control 95% of the resources; and second, because the market is adequate to the material-body-biological-instinct human nature, but it is incompatible and even hostile to the spiritual human nature, by "barbarizing" and "zoologyzing" him. In order to save man, the neoliberal-libertarian paradigm should be corrected via the "middle (noble) way", to Keynes and the Keynesians, to the Aristotelian "Golden Mean".

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