The challenges of European integration of Bulgaria

The book by prof. dr. ic.n. Danail Danailov continues the research on the complex and controversial process of the integration of the Bulgarian economy into the European Union. Changes in the region and global challenges condition the author's search for such a societal paradigm that would meet the needs of the country, mitigating the objective negative influences of the external environment. The fateful choice of joining a large integration community was made in the context of the controversial development of the Southeast European region. Prof. Danailov compares indicators of the economic development of the Balkan countries with those of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which illustrates the difficult path of changes in national economies. The main focus is on privatisation and foreign direct investment (FDI), comparing the processes in the Balkan countries. Russia's role in the region's energy policy is highlighted, with implications for the overall political process in South-East Europe, and the importance of the Western Balkans' inclusion initiatives is emphasised.